Tips For Dealing With a Cluttered Space

We’ve all heard of having a “Spring Clean” but that doesn’t mean that the other three seasons are about being messy. In fact I think Autumn is the perfect time of year to spend a bit of time addressing the piles of “stuff” that seem to gather in the corners of rooms, under beds and on bookshelves (or is that just me??).

My tried-and-true method of having a seasonal spruce up is to approach each space individually so that the full job doesn’t become so daunting that it’s relegated to the too hard basket. 

An example of my approach was in our last home where our small spare bedroom had become the dumping ground of random items and the entire family made the most of this out of sight storage space. My approach to this room was to remove one item each day. That item either needed to find a more permanent place in our home, be sold or be donated. Doing this one item at a time meant that I could never come up with an excuse not to do it, and slowly but surely, we managed to clear the area. When it came time to sell our home, we were able to present a simple but decluttered spare bedroom, rather than the box room it had become.

I’ve used this same approach with bathroom cabinets, pantries, wardrobes, laundries and all of those other areas that you know need addressing but you just can’t find the time or inclination to get started. Give it a go, start with a small space and go from there. Who knows, “Autumn Clean” might become the new buzz word.


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