About Us

Anji Foster

Anji’s passion for property has been a long running one. From an early and enthusiastic interest in investment properties, to the ongoing obsession with property improvement, Anji’s journey to real estate came through two earlier careers. Initially a copywriter working in the radio industry and later as a media planner and buyer working at a number of top advertising agencies. She was well equipped to work in real estate and help hundreds of home owners prepare and market their homes for sale. Anji considers it a true privilege to have helped over 600 buyers and sellers make their property moves since she started in real estate 15 years ago.

James Lowe

Although James is early in his real estate career, he is not new to the industry. Growing up in a real estate family James has watched the stages of putting a deal together for years. After leaving school, James completed a certificate in business administration. He then started work at Lowe & Co as an administrative assistant. Now as a licensed salesperson, his real estate knowledge is innate and a true strength when assisting buyers with incredibly important decisions. His open and friendly manner and ability to connect with people is a skill that will delight those that work with him.