Anji’s Five Property Goals Of 2025

I’ve been looking forward to 2025. I should have trademarked the saying “survive ‘till ‘25” a few years ago because that was my mantra well before economists were quoting it! It’s not that ‘23 or ‘24 were terrible years, and in fact many wonderful things happened, not the least of which was starting to work with my two talented, creative and wonderful children. James with me in sales and Bella behind the lens and keyboard for our content. But I think many Wellingtonians would agree that 2024 sometimes felt like a bit of a grind.

With a new year often comes new plans, goals and focus. As a business, there are always yearly stretch goals and personally there are of course New Year’s resolutions. But this year I have also added a few goals around the house. Small things that won’t necessarily change my world but will bring a little daily joy.

I have read that a goal is more powerful when you write it down. It is then more powerful when you read it daily. So, I’m guessing it’s more powerful again when you share it with others. The following “goals” are things around my home that I would love to achieve in 2025, and I’m happy for others to hold me accountable, so I will be sure to share when I tick the following off my list.

If you’ve already set out your version of whatever career/personal/family/travel goals you have for 2025, perhaps throw a few home ones in as well so that not only will you thrive in ’25 but do so in an environment that supports thriving also.

1: Deal To The Laundry!

I have posted images of beautiful homes on my social media accounts for the past decade, and it always makes me smile that the one room in the house that seems to excite people the most is the laundry! Clearly, having a functional, separate laundry is home goals for many, so when we moved to our current house in 2020, I was unusually happy that we finally had a separate laundry room!

Now that same laundry resembles a space that all miscellaneous and displaced items get casually placed. It’s cramped, cluttered and not at all what people were giving a thumbs up to on Instagram.

So, this is the year that I will create a click worthy laundry space for the family to enjoy and to help make one of life’s essential, but essentially boring tasks, a little more pleasant.

2: Deal To The Wardrobe!

When we first installed the wardrobe in our bedroom, it was so much larger than the original 1930s wardrobes we had been using, that it seemed super spacious and luxurious! Four years later and I have accrued all manner of things in my half of the wardrobe to the point that I’m worried something might fall out when I open it, like from the overhead locker on a plane!

Sorting my wardrobe will follow the time honoured love it, use it, donate it or throw it strategy. I can’t wait to tick off this goal because I know that I will benefit from it each and every day. I also have a wardrobe pro in the house with James having the most Marie Kondo’d wardrobe I have ever encountered. I’ll get some good tips from him first for sure and make sure that I share.

3: Pot The Plants!

I’m a little ashamed to say this, (but I don’t think I’m the only one that does it), so here goes – whenever we have bought pot plants they go in a nice pot but are still sitting in the original nursery pot we bought them in. No re potting into good soil and feeding them each year (like all good plant parents do).

Amazingly our oxygen giving friends have tolerated our terrible treatment of them, but 2025 is the year that I am turning over a new leaf (had to be said) and am going to properly pot all our indoor pot plants.

4: Sort Out The Landing!

We have an awkward “landing” at the top of our stairs from which two bedrooms and a hallway all lead from. We have struggled to style it since we moved in until my 50th birthday when I very luckily received a long held home goal of mine, a navy blue Togo sofa. This with a rug and a plant and we felt happy with the space that we transit through multiple times daily.

But the Togo has since migrated downstairs as we decided it’s far better to enjoy using furniture than just looking at it. So, whilst our living room can now house larger groups comfortably, the awkward landing is back on the agenda.

Without any big birthdays on the horizon, the budget won’t be stretching to Togo number two just yet, so some creative focus needs to go on the landing and how to make the most of it. I might be needing some help with this one, so will ask for some thoughts and suggestions when it comes time to tick off this tricky goal (again!).

5: Paint The Front Door!

This is a job I’ve wanted to do since we moved in June 2020. The previous owners had recently painted the house a lovely dark grey, which I love, but it always reminds me of moody Wellington skies rolling in from the south, so I think the flash of a “happy” colour at the front door to welcome you in could be a nice touch.

We bought a new outdoor mat last year in an attempt to bring a burst of colour at the entrance, but the reality is that it needs to be a larger statement – so, front door here I come.

I’ll keep you updated on my home goals as the year progresses - bring on the thriving!


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